Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Weekly Buzz

  • End of January reports: We all had a great new year! Our book orders are out to look at and are due Wednesday,29th of January. We  are out of jerky for students to bring home but students   may still be selling the last of their batch so get the last pieces of jerky and get candy!
  • February report: We have some important events coming up in February. Here are the events dates Feb. 4th-book club lunch bunch,feb.6-pta meeting 7pm,feb.13-happy b-day Oregon/valentine's party jump rope for heart,febb.17-president's day-NO SCHOOL, feb.18-20- oaks testing,feb.24-27- "Seuss-sational " week and feb.27-feb. b-day celebration. That is our weekly buzz. +
weekly reporter is alexa.